Sunday, November 22, 2009

On becoming a refined lady.

By the way, anonymous snob lady, Jeanne never took showers alone. The time she fell and broke her wrist in the shower in Germany she was being assisted in the shower by our adult granddaughter. It was an unfortunate accident. Yes, shit happens. Shit even happens in nursing homes and assisted living facilities under the watch of trained professional care-givers. Meanwhile, if you clean up your language and get your facts straight we'll print your comments. I'm also aware of patients commiting suicide when they were under the watch and supervision of care-givers and relatives. Like I say, shit happens. I know of a woman who feels bad because her brother committed suicide. And she was unable to stop it, even though he told her that he was gonna do it, and just how he'd do it, too. Now I would never hold that woman responsible. Although it's possible she could have taken action to prevent the suicide. Just as I could have taken action to prevent Jeanne's fall in the shower. By doing the supervising myself rather than delegating it to our granddaughter. I feel bad about it. But it happened. And I can't unhappen it, so to speak. Remember now. Get your facts straight and clean up your language and you'll get published here. Obey the rules. Follow our high standards. Don't be a jerk snob lady. Become a refined lady. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

It seems the only nasty language here is yours.

Possibly, the reason you have been taken to task for the shower fall is this is the first you said she was being assisted in the shower by someone else. All these years the impression was that she was alone. If you tell a story give all the facts, so there is no misunderstanding.

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, you gals have a lot of erroneous impressions. I'm under no obligation to give you every last detail of my personal life. You gals seem able to fabricate a lot of it. You are little busy-bodies. Little rumor-mongers. And hateful little people. You ought to be tending to your own business. And many of you gals have foul mouths. You ought to see some of the stuff I haven't printed. My language is spotlessly clean in comparison. Yes, some of you are guttersnipes. Right out of the filthy gutter. The stench some of you emit is something awful. A skunk's spray would seem like perfume in comparison. Little wonder that you don't want to identify yourselves. You wouldn't find me using my name if I had that odor. I'd go get fumigated. That would be the decent thing to do. Have a little consideration for people around you. They shouldn't have to wear gas masks. I'm sure many of 'em puke when they get close to you. --Jim