Sunday, November 22, 2009

If only you give me a chance.

I'd like to propose a convention. Of snob ladies. And other Broede-haters. Get you all into one big auditorium. Maybe an outdoor arena, if necessary. It would be an opportunity to plan an all-out assault on me. And I tell you what. To prove that I'm a brave and decent man, I'll volunteer to be your keynote speaker. Yes, I'll show up. Oh, maybe I'll bring along armed guards. My militia. I'll tell you in my speech that I think you've misgauged, misjudged me. You'd find that I'm a rather engaging fella in person. I know some of you think I'm not very handsome. But hey, for a 74-year-old man, I'm in pretty good shape. My girlfriend says I look like the best of Boris Yeltsin, Walter Matthau and Ted Kennedy. I'll accept that as a compliment. Better than Frankenstein and Dracula. Anyway, ladies, I think you'll find me charming. If only you give me a chance. --Jim Broede

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