Friday, November 20, 2009

Put Congress in Guantanomo.

I don't like the way we play politics. It's gawd awful. Barbaric. Uncivilized. Idiotic. Irrational. Pathetic. Downright stupid. Obscene. I watch our politicians. Listen. And almost puke. I can't stand the sight of puke. So I go outdoors. For a walk. To get away from it all. Saturday night the Senate will decide whether to even take up and discuss and consider the proposed health reform legislation. And it's quite possible that it'll be trashed. Because it requires at least a 60-40 majority to get to the floor. And even though a majority of senators may favor the reform, it won't be considered. Because of a stupid filibuster rule that requires a super majority. And we'll be hamstrung. No change. No reform. The same old same old. Saddled with the most expensive health care system in the world. With some of the poorest results. And with something like 45 million uninsured Americans. And 45,000 deaths annually just because people can't afford medical insurance. It's a glaring problem. A sacrilege. It's morally wrong. And we ordinary Americans put up with this crap. With a gridlocked Congress. Unable and unwilling to work together to give us what we deserve. I say to hell with 'em. Let's run 'em out of the country. Put 'em in Guantanomo. The whole rotten bunch. --Jim Broede

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