Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why I read the New York Times.

Here's another reason why I subscribe to and read the New York Times daily. I'm able to read columnists that make sense. And news stories that are objective. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I don't trust the media very much. But I trust the New York Times for the most part. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

If I want opinions slanted toward the liberal side, I tune in MSNBC in the evening. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

If I want to hear the rant of idiots, I go to the Fox Network. But I rarely go there. I have better things to do. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I also watch Jon Stewart's 'Daily Show' for a refreshing parody of the news. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Try Canadian news. It is far less biased. You would do yourself a great favor to find more impartial news. Too far left OR right is not going to cut it. Your opinions are not "slanted", they are stuck somewhere "over there". You are no different than the "lunatic fringe" of the Republicans. This should be a ONE PARTY COUNTRY-UNITED STATES PARTY!!!!!

It amuses me that the supporters of this reform are quick to discredit the views of the opposition, yet they do not offer any proof that the facts brought to light are false. Sections of this bill have been cited by the opposition. The supporters only say "they are wrong". Well, prove it.

This has been criticized for 70 years, because it is wrong. Yes, SS passed, but there is a real danger that it won't be around for ME, in a few years, even though I paid into the "system", my entire working life. SS is "robbing Peter to pay Paul". That is OK for you. You are reaping the benefits now.

Medicare is a HUGE tax burden, since the government refusses to address the abuse of the system. Now, they will add more costs to my paycheck. Hell, why don't we just give our entire paychecks to the government, and sit back on our lily-white butts, and see what we get.

The accusations are not being recycled-they are STILL TRUE. The dangers are still present.

This quote, from your cited article, surprises me, in your support of it:

"America is no longer shamed by elderly Americans suffering for lack of medical care.
Yet although America’s elderly are now cared for, our children are not."

WHAT???? We no longer feel shame for the care of our elderly?? Our elderly are now taken care of?? What planet does this guy live on???

Who would deny coverage to children? No One! That is B.S. That is because of all the other crap they tack on to these bills. Hospitals are required to provide care, whether insured or not. Problem is, these children have to be taken to the doctor or hospital. They are not going to take themselves! The parents of these children are responsible to see that every advantage is taken, when it comes to the care of THEIR children. I took care of mine!

Even Kristof states there is a problem with cost-containment. HELLOOOO......whose cost is he speaking of???? MINE AND YOURS! There is not some genie in Washington who is going to foot this bill. WE ARE. I would think this would be a MAJOR FACTOR!!!

Good grief, you come off as such a now-it-all, when you cannot even defend your own positions. Wake up and smell the coffee, Jim Broede. That is, if you got your ration this morning!
A Fellow Traveler

Broede's Broodings said...

We're all biased. You are just as biased as me. And we all think we're right. Only thing is, I admit it. I am mighty biased. And I also admit that I could be wrong. But still, I believe what I want to believe. And I change my opinions. Sometimes. Liberals aren't static. They bounce about. Nothing wrong with that. And hey, I don't digest and study everything. I haven't got the time. So I go to my trusted sources. Such as the New York Times. Or Barack Obama. Or Jon Stewart. Or Al Franken. Or my Italian girl friend. Or my pal, god almighty. They're good enough for me. I take life just barely seriously enough. Not too seriously. That's where I have the advantage. I know proper balance. I know how to savor life. I love waking up every morning, knowing I'm in for a happy day. Meanwhile, you sound too serious. But hey, to each his own. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

" Meanwhile, you sound too serious."

Seemingly, simply better informed.
A Fellow Traveler

Broede's Broodings said...

Very biased, too. --Jim