Thursday, December 10, 2009

For the sake of love.

Somewhere along the line, I discovered that life is wonderful. No matter what I'm doing. Even the last three years with my Jeanne, when she was dying of Alzheimer's, were rather wonderful. Because I learned to milk every day for what it was worth. Really caring. For Jeanne. Devoting my life. To Jeanne. On a daily basis. One day at a time. Making the most of each day. Other care-givers have criticized me for that. For savoring some aspect of Alzheimer's. Actually, getting a feeling of fulfillment and pleasure out of the care-giving experience. Yes, I even wonder if Jesus got a feeling of fulfillment and pleasure on the cross. For making a supreme sacrifice. For humanity. For another. I haven't ever even come close to doing that. But still, I sense what pleasure it must be. To even die for a cause. I ain't ready to do that. But I'm willing to do a little bit extra. For the sake of love. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I think my primary cause in life has become the exploration of love. That's why I was put on Earth. To learn about love. And to actually love. I am supposed to love life. Period. --Jim