Thursday, December 10, 2009

Makes one's head spin.

I see that Barack Obama tried to justify war today. In his acceptance speech. In Norway. For the Nobel peace prize. Funny thing. Accepting the award. In the same week that he authorized sending an additional 30,000 troops into the war in Afghanistan. I'm not necessarily being critical of Obama. Maybe just a bit cynical. About how we justify war. As sort of a necessary evil. A way of fighting evil with evil. Obama says we have to recognize that evil exists in this world. And that we have to combat it. Often, for the sake of the nation. Yes, sacrificing lives in order to save lives. Maybe that's why we continue to execute people. Because it's supposed to be a crime deterent. And the Bush doctrine. Let's start preemptive wars. Wars meant to thwart our enemies before they have a chance to start a war. We'll do it first. Start a war to prevent a war. My gawd. The rationale for a war. Makes one's head spin, doesn't it? Kill or be killed. Better to kill your enemy now. So he can't kill you later. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Seems to me we are all caught up in systems. In a stream. In a flow. And if we don't consciously lift ourselves out of it, we just go along for the ride. We accept the inevitable. We accept war. Because it is. And as an individual, we can't do much about it. Ultimately, it comes down to whether we want to sacrifice our lives for a cause. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Too many sacrifice their lives for a hateful cause. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Imagine sacrificing one's life for a loving cause. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I don't think I'd want to sacrifice my life for a patriotic cause. Because a patriotic cause is often an evil cause. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Seems to me it's impossible to avoid being evil. Because we are tempted to fight evil with evil. Thinking that's the only way to defeat evil. So we're sucked in. We become just as evil as the evil-doer we are trying to defeat. Yes, we justify the use of evil because we think our evil is a good evil. Which is preposterous. --Jim