Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Paradise.

I'm blessed. By the arrival of winter. It's like I'm living in a Dr. Zhivago snow scene today. Snow. Snow. Everywhere. Snow stuck to the side of the garage. Like a surrealist painting. A drift hanging out beyond the roof. Ready to fall atop me if I go out to shovel. But no sense in clearing it all away. Only to have the wind rearrange the drifts. Wind chills of 35 to 45 degrees below zero. But I'm a brave man. I know how to dress for it. I'll walk tonight. Maybe for 10 miles. On the plowed roads. After the wind dies down. The skies clear. And the moon and white snow light up the night. And I become ever more aware of Paradise. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I had a wonderful evening. Shoveling snow. Then going for a walk. Then returning to shovel more snow. And then another walk. On and on. I developed a beautiful and relaxing rhythm. Then I came in. And had a nice, leisurely supper. And read a book. Until I fell asleep. Knowing that life is wonderful. --Jim