Sunday, December 6, 2009

Things could be a whole lot worse.

Lest you think I'm not reprimanded and taken to task daily, I assure you I am. Yes, I reprimand myself. For being stupid. For saying stupid things. I wise up. But I never totally cease from doing utterly stupid things. It's my nature. I have learned to accept that I'm a moron, of sorts. And I allow myself to be chastised by geniuses. But not by imbeciles and idiots. Because they rank intellectually lower than morons. I consider myself an upper strata moron. Because I have the ability to reprimand and correct myself. That's a rarity with a moron. And I'm an honest moron. In that I readily admit what I am. Few morons and imbeciles and idiots even recognize that they are such. Only the elite among us do. Some of us have extremely low self-esteems. But I do try to cheer up idiots. By telling 'em there's something dumber than an idiot. A Republican. That makes idiots feel better. Then they know that things could be a whole lot worse. --Jim Broede

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