Saturday, January 9, 2010

For the good of the ruling elite.

We Americans have always been good at denying people their rights. At making some people second class citizens. In other words, designing a society of haves and have-nots. So that we have a nation of inequality. Rather than equality. But still, we declared from the beginning that men (as if we meant everyone) were created equal. In practice, we Americans never practiced such a credo. It was a sham. Right from the beginning. America was founded on the principle of exploitation. That some of us have the right to exploit others. It's inherent in the capitalist system. The rich have the right to become richer. In part, by making the poor poorer. Our philosophy is one of survival. Of the fittest. And the fittest generally accumulate monetary riches and political and social power. The 'fittest' establish a system that benefits themselves. Rather than humanity as a whole. The common good becomes secondary to what's good for the powerful ruling elite. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I don't revere very many of our founding fathers. They're over-rated. --Jim