Friday, January 1, 2010

I have seen the light.

As an American, I was brainwashed. In, oh, so many ways. That I'm blessed to be an American. That I ought be a Christian. That it's all right to kill. If it's to protect the nation. And that it's all right to execute criminals. And that capitalism is good. And socialism is bad. And that I should vote. Even if all of the candidates are full of crap. And that it's all right to lie for political gain. And that our founding fathers were virtuous men, despite allowing for slavery and all sorts of inequality. And that I should either love America or leave it. And that America has solved the problem of racism. And that all of America's wars have been just wars. And that apple pie is good. Well, folks, I reject all of this stuff. I'm no longer a brainwashed American. I have seen the light. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

The problem with most of us is that we believe the bull shit we were taught in school. --Jim