Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's call it a crime, and not war.

Oh, my gawd. Republicans are so enamored with war. They want it to be a war on terrorism. Not a crime. Yes, outright war. And therefore, so-called terrorists should be deemed enemy combatants, and treated like prisoners of war. Without the constitutional rights afforded alleged criminals. Republicans don't like it that the Nigerian that tried to blow up a plane the other day was read his rights and allowed to have an attorney. The GOP would like to dispatch him pronto to Guantanamo. Devoid of rights. Well, I'm for sending the guy through our American judicial system, and afforded the same kind of rights granted to any of our citizens. In other words, treat him decently and fairly. Even though he isn't a U.S. citizen. Chances are he'll be found guilty and sent to a maximum security prison. Quite possibly for the rest of his life. Just like a criminal. As I see it, terrorism is a crime. Not an act of war. It's an attempt to kill people. And that ain't right. It's wrong, wrong, wrong. The same kind of heinous acts being perpetrated regularly by all sorts of people. Murders occur daily. And the suspects are charged with crimes. Not with starting a war. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Whatever YOU want to call it, those who perform(or even attempt) acts of terror, which instill fear into virtual the entire nation, should be dealt with much more severely than a murderer. These are NOT the same crimes. This idiot's mission wasn't to simply kill everyone on board the plane. His mission was to TERRORIZE ALL AMERICANS, i.e., "create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress."

"Chances are...", "Quite possibly..." aren't good enough for me. If the guy gets caught with the bomb in his underwear, or shoe, or wherever, lock'em up. He has no rights. He gave them up, the minute he decided to kill himself and hundreds of innocent American citizens with him.

The only way we are to keep from falling victims to these terrorists, is to believe that our Government is going to act swiftly, and severely.

Broede's Broodings said...

I want to show mercy and some degree of respect. I want the terrorists to be treated fairly. In keeping with the highest standards of the American criminal justice system. Maybe that will help the terrorists to see the light. We lose if we use the same tactics as the terrorists. We then fight evil with evil. You know, I'm opposed to capital punishment, too. So is the pope. Albeit, I'm not Catholic or a Christian. --Jim