Saturday, January 30, 2010

I've discovered real live people.

Really, what I have here is an open journal. I allow myself to talk about anything. To brood. Have you noticed the title of my blog? I often sit down and write. Without knowing what I'm gonna write. I just let it flow. Sometimes, in serious ways. Other times, in nonsensical ways. Just depends upon my mood. I can be nice. And not so nice. Just like the rest of you. Anyway, I'm just feeling my way. Always learning. New ways to express myself. In some ways, I feel as if I'm on stage. Standing before an audience. And I'm not afraid. I can handle myself. Conduct a monologue. Used to be that would have petrified me. But not any more. I just wing it. And when I'm out and about, I don't hesitate to talk to strangers. No sense in being shy. Often, it results in an enlightening conversation. Yes, I like to peek in. To determine if someone is really alive. I have discovered some robots in human bodies. But then again, there are some real live people out there. --Jim Broede

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