Saturday, January 16, 2010

Let's quit meddling.

We don't need a war on terror. Because it's stupid. And costly. And counter-productive. Let's just get out of the Middle East and solve our own problems. Let's build America rather than spending trillions of dollars staging an idiotic war on terrorism. If we mind our own business, the terrorists probably will mind their business. They may even be reined in by moderate Muslims. The terrorists hate us because we're meddling in the Middle East. So, let's quit meddling. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the families of the tens of thousands-minding their own business, at the time-who were blown apart, by the terrorist attacks, beginning with the American Embassy bombings. The "War on Terror" has been made necessary by the thugs overseas, who are attacking our homeland, and killing our citizens. That you cannot see that, is moronic.
By the way, your "Bushie" didn't start it, he just gave it a name. Your Clinton started it, in Sudan.

Are you a member of al-Qaeda? You sound like one.