Saturday, January 2, 2010

We make each other happy.

I'm happy. And that helps me make other people happy. Think about it. If I'm grumpy. And disconsolate. And depressed. I'm not gonna be a very nice guy to be around. But if I'm happy, I quite possibly can make it contagious. I'd be exuding happiness. Good vibes. I have a handful of ladies writing to me to complain that I'm too focused on my own happiness. And that I should spend more time making someone else happy. Hey, I'm doing that. I'm in love. And so I'm busy making my love happy. And I'm happy because I'm in love. It's a beautiful circle. Love feeds upon itself. And hey, there's nothing wrong with having high self-esteem. Liking one's self. I like myself because I'm capable of falling in love. I loved my Jeanne for 38 years. Right up to the day she died three years ago. Thought I'd probably never fall in love again. But I have. And I'm devoted. I love. And I am loved. The love is a two-way street. Nothing better than that. We make each other happy. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I haven't been grumpy for a long, long time. Can't even remember when I was last grumpy. --Jim