Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We're becoming second-rate.

Odd as it may seem, the minority has become the majority in the U.S. Senate. Yes, the Republicans keep outmaneuvering the Democrats. Despite the fact that the Democrats have had up to a 60-40 majority. But if so much as one Democrat wavers on major legislation, the Republicans are able to block passage of virtually anything. By filibustering. Which requires a 60 percent majority to cut off debate and force a vote on the issue. In fact, 70 percent of major legislation in the Senate from 2007 through 2009 was filibustered. Yes, that's right, 70 percent. Used to be that the filibuster was rarely used. Back in 1960, only 8 percent of the time. But now with 41 senators, the Republicans block anything they please. The Senate has come to gridlock. Much of Barack Obama's legislative initiatives are blocked or watered down to the point of being unrecognizable. Used to be in our democracy, all it took was a simple majority to get laws through Congress. Now it takes a super majority. The filibuster is a dreadful rule. Adopted by the Senate. It's not in the Constitution. Only in the Senate rules. At this rate, we're going to have do-nothing Congresses forever and ever. Little wonder that we don't get our nation's problems solved. We're becoming a second-rate nation. Because we have second-rate politicians. And the filibuster. --Jim Broede

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