Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We're too dumb to see it coming.

We Americans are sold a bill of goods almost around the clock. We're told what to do. What to buy. How to think. We've become automated. Analyzed by capitalist moneymakers and powerbrokers. They know just what buttons to push. Often, all it takes is a 30-second commercial or sound bite. We can be reached. Directly. Or subliminally. Maybe even in our sleep. We're like trained dogs. Or sheep that can be easily herded. Even by a dog. And the powerbrokers especially aim their spiel at unhappy people. They'll buy almost anything. Even Hitler. Just crank up the volume of patriotic slogans and music. We're seeing it happen in America now. Because so many of us are disenchanted. We have a sense of foreboding. Of doom. As if America has been mismanaged. No surprise. Look at the eight years of the Bush administration. And some of us thought we'd get a quick fix. By voting in Obama and the Democrats. But no fix will be quick. Because we are in one big ungawdly mess. Brought about by the very people that we may start electing to clean it up. The Republicans. And we should know what will happen then. An even bigger mess. But we're too dumb to see it coming. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Maybe the demise of the USA won't be all that bad. Gives us an opportunity to start all over. --Jim