Monday, January 11, 2010

The wonders of life.

I like to make little adjustments in life. Often, that's all it takes to bring about a new and significant experience. Like a few months ago I started putting out chestnuts and walnuts and pecans for the squirrels. Never did that before. Lo and behold, at least one squirrel finds the nuts. On my deck. Picks 'em up in his paws. Exams 'em by twirling 'em around. Then prances off. And buries 'em. One by one. Now I've begun putting out tiny carrots for the rabbits. Very entertaining. Makes me feel good. Doing my part. Getting wildlife through another Minnesota winter. And I'm painting the interior of the house. With texture paint. A little bit at a time. I experimented. With relatively thin sandy paint. Applied with a brush. And with extra thick paint that I trawled on initially. But now I just apply it with a sponge. And swirl it on. Looks nice. Makes me feel like an artist. Just completed the laundry room. Next weekend I'll move to the front hall. Yes, I do a little bit at a time. Making the project last. Savoring it. And last week I went to a museum. To see an exhibit of masterpieces from the Louvre. Didn't let a snowstorm deter me. Took 2 hours instead of the usual 40 minutes to make the trip. And I got a bonus. In addition to seeing paintings and statues from another time, I watched Mother Nature design snowdrifts. From the huge windows in the cozy warm museum. Even dined next to the window and read the New York Times and browsed at a book store on the way home. Then I shoveled snow from the driveway...and thought about the wonders of life. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I think that life is one big art gallery. I'm surrounded by so much beauty. Doesn't matter where I am. --Jim