Monday, February 15, 2010

Let's start from scratch.

I gotta admire U.S. Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana. He's decided not to run for reelection. In large part, because he's sick and tired of the political bickering in Washington. Apparently Bayh has recognized that it's an utter waste of time to put up with gridlock. Politicians unable to get anything meaningful done. Bayh is well-intentioned. Just like Barack Obama and a few others in the nation's capitol. But they're caught up in a system that refuses to change. A system that's corrupt and run by the big money interests. It's shameful. And we ordinary citizens don't do anything about it. Because we feel helpless. Just like Bayh. That's why he decided to get out. The system is bigger than him. Sad. Sad. Sad. American government is crap. We need an overhaul. But better yet, let's scrap the whole mess. And start from scratch. Let's design a new kind of government. One that works.--Jim Broede

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