Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Little trace of love.

I think I live two lives. A rather soft life. And a harsh one. Yes, I guess I've discovered a need to be on both sides of the spectrum. My favorite aspect of life is the loving. Oh, so easy to love. To fall in love. With one other. I find that a necessity. That's where I get my sustenance. My solace. From a loving relationship. But at the same time, there's a lot of unloving in the world. I see it every day. In my surroundings. People mad at each other. Especially in the political, social and economic realms. Maybe it's the nature of the system. Look at what's happening in the political arena. Right here in the USA. But around the world, too. Politicians practice hate. Yes, the opposite of love. They are out to knife each other. To despise. To pull dirty tricks. To pray for each other's failure. Even for an opponent's death. Makes me wonder where all the love has gone. I know love is still there. Because I experience it in the privacy of my cocoon. My own little world. Away from the harping politicians. But I don't find it in the halls of Congress. There I find mostly hate and gigantic egos. Little trace of love. --Jim Broede

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