Sunday, February 14, 2010

Never take prisoners.

Gotta give Senate majority leader Harry Reid credit. He's pared down a bipartisan jobs bill from $85 billion, to a mere $15 billion. The main reason for his action, apparently, is because Republicans loaded the bigger bill with tax cuts for the rich. Also, Reid recognized that many Americans are opposed to more government spending. And to pork-laden legislation. But Reid also is toying with Republicans. Figuring that if they vote against his smaller jobs bill, they'll suffer politically. For opposing creation of more jobs. Normally, I might take Reid to task. For playing politics. But not this time. I want to see him screw the Republicans. Because the Republicans won't ever hesitate screwing Reid and the Democrats. So, it's time to go to war in Congress. Democrats have to learn the hard lesson. Never take prisoners. --Jim Broede

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