Friday, February 19, 2010

Sounds a little bit like the Mafia.

Seems to me that to get the USA out of its financial mess, I have to put my faith in either big business or big government. And I think our salvation is in government. Run properly, of course. With the common good foremost in mind. Maybe it's gonna be futile to put my trust in anything. But I'll side with government for now. Because government isn't supposed to be in business to make a profit. Government is supposed to be in business to serve the people. And it's supposed to be run by the people. Big private corporations, on the other hand, are mostly self-serving. Out to reap big profits. Even obscene profits. Many corporations rip us off. Such as health care insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. So do Wall Street bankers. I don't trust 'em any more than I'd trust a thieving crook. Doesn't surprise me that Republicans and big business interests keep telling us to oppose big government because it's inefficient. The real reason, however, is that private corporations don't want regulation. Or competition. They want a free rein. To do as they please. To run the world without government interference. Sounds a little bit like the Mafia to me. --Jim Broede

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