Monday, March 22, 2010

All GOPers act remarkably similar.

I love it. I love it. The Republicans are unhappy. They've lost the battle. Over health care reform. Of course, that makes me happy. Not a single Republican defected, and voted for reform. My gawd. Such unanimous opposition. Not a single wavering vote. The Republicans all fell in line. Like robots. All of a single mind. Stupid. Stupid. And more stupid. There's no difference today between a conservative or moderate Republican. They're all the same. They march in lockstep. Goosesteps. Like the brazen Nazi storm troopers. Their allegiance is to the greedy capitalist. If they get a whiff of socialism, they go crazy. They want to keep living in the 18th century. They abhor the thought that it's really the 21st century. And times have changed. They still want a tea party. They want to dump tea in Boston Harbor. And hurl epithets at blacks and gays at their government protest rallies in Washington. As recently as last weekend. Yet, they deny being racists. Fact of the matter is that they don't know what they are. They've been programmed as robots. To just do as told by their diabolical maker. To go through the motions of living. Yes, it's reached the point that if you've seen one Republican, you've seen 'em all. --Jim Broede


just exhibit love said...


It's a Great Day In The Neighborhood..

and yes some are unhappy..

I feel sad..there is such rage in this country..

Love Rosie

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, dear ones...some are a MAJORITY of Americans, who see through the bullsh*t. It is people like Jim Broede who incite rage by his name calling, totally insane comparisons, and TOTAL lack of information. Jim is a prime example of those that think that only those that agree with them have any significance at all. He has proven it, time and again, by the name calling and insults hurled at those that disagree with him.

This "neighborhood" is going straight to hell.

Broede's Broodings said...

You know, dear anonymous, I see through your bullshit. Now I challenge you to start seeing through your own bullshit. You are so full of it that it's overflowing, over your whole face and eyes. Little wonder that you can't see. But you should be able to at least smell it. That aroma you smell ain't skunk blossom perfume. It's bullshit. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Grow up, Jim. You are behaving like a little Mama's boy.

Anonymous said...

SEE....there goes the "stupid" again...right on cue!