Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And it's about time.

It started with Reagan-era politics. Policies that got the rich richer and the poor poorer. The villains, Ronald Reagan and Republicans, argued that wealth would trickle down. From the wealthy to the poor. But these past 30 years show that it didn’t work. Instead, the rich hoarded their new wealth. Millionaires became billionaires. Yes, the idea was to give the rich tax cuts after tax cuts. And to allow businesses and Wall Street to go pretty much unregulated. That’s how the era of greed was ushered in. But maybe we are seeing an end to it. Finally, legislation that serves the common good. The lower and middle classes. By taking from the rich. Yes, the filthy rich. Spreading the wealth. It’s long overdue. Finally, we less-than-monetarily-rich Americans have reason to rejoice. While the affluent and the disciples of Reagan have reason to lament. Click below to catch a glimpse of the dawn of a new, more equitable era in America. And it's about time. –Jim Broede

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