Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's a matter of opinion.

I want my friends and acquaintances and even some strangers to feel appreciated. By me. Even if I disagree with them on matters. See. One can appreciate others for being themselves. They don't have to be like me. Or even share my same values. They can be very different people. That doesn't mean I appreciate everyone. For instance, Adolph Hitler. And Republicans. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Republicans are as bad as Hitler. Actually, Hitler was far worse than any Republican that I know. But still, I think Republicans are bad enough to not be appreciated. By me, at least. I'm terribly brash and opinionated, aren't I? Maybe a little bit judgmental too. But hey, I admit it. That's not one of my nicest traits. I do like some Republicans. As people. But not in their roles as Republicans. Then they tend to become mean-spirited. And I don't appreciate people when they are being cruel and insensitive. Of course, not everyone will describe Republicans as mean-spirited. And they may be correct. And I may be wrong. But still, that's my opinion. I'll also concede that some Republicans are not intentionally mean-spirited. It's just that the policies they advocate are mean-spirited. And they don't necessarily consciously know it. Maybe they are just stupid. But then again, maybe I'm the one that isn't very bright. --Jim Broede

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