Saturday, March 27, 2010

A nice win for America.

Republicans wanted health care reform to be Barack Obama's Waterloo. And the pleasant irony of it is that maybe it's gonna be the Republicans' Waterloo. Their big defeat. Obviously, they didn't win. Although, Republicans think that they'll make big gains in the November elections. By continuing to bad-mouth Obama and the Democrats. Trying to tag Obama as a socialist. Which is darn funny. I'm the socialist. Maybe even further to the left than most socialists. And believe me, Obama is no socialist. He's a pragmatic politician. Willing to compromise. He's offered Republicans many openings. Many concessions. He's even worked Republican programs into the health reform legislation. Republicans had an opportunity to get even more. If only they sat down with Obama, and cooperated. Heck, Obama even sort of betrayed the liberal wing of the Democrats. They wanted a single-payer health care system. Similar to Medicare. For everyone. But Obama steered them away from that. In an effort to at least lure a handful of Republicans into the fold. But no, Republicans wouldn't budge. They thought that if Obama got defeated on health care, it would be his Waterloo. It would make him a one-term president. And it might foil the rest of his legislative agenda. Well, it's turning out that Obama got a much-needed victory. And momentum. That will help him pass other parts of his agenda. Even without Republican support. Well, if that's the way Republicans want to play politics, so be it. It's a stupid strategy. Likely to make the Republicans losers again and again. Yes, it would be nice if the Republicans become known as born losers. That would make for a nice win for America. --Jim Broede

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