Friday, March 26, 2010

If only I could speak the language.

If I could speak Chinese, I’d love to live in China. Because I think China is the future. The next great power on Planet Earth. In that China seems to be getting things right. In terms of political, economic and social issues. China is adapting. By trying to serve the common good. China’s leaders think in terms of an ever-increasing world population. Trying to do what’s best for the many. Not the few. China, like every nation that ever existed, won’t get it totally right. But China will do better than the rest of us. Including the USA. We Americans are on the decline. Because we don’t adapt. We live by a constitution and rules established by 18th century thinkers. But China has moved into the modern era. Into the 21st century. Making for the good life. For the vast hordes of its citizens. China focuses on domestic issues. Not so much on foreign policy. China spends far less on defense than we Americans. Because China wants to make China better. From within. Meanwhile, we Americans live in fear. As if we are gonna be challenged by some two-bit bands of terrorists. We pour money into wars. Supposedly to protect our nation’s best interests. Instead, we end up bankrupting the country. And denying the real needs of our own people. We widen the gap between the rich and the poor. Yes, we promote greed and selfishness. The survival of the richest. And to hell with the poor and the middle classes. Oh, yes, give me China. I’d go live in China. If only I could speak the language. –Jim Broede

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