Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Loving can seem mighty weird.

I'd like to consider any and everyone a potential friend. Even my worst enemy -- if there is such a being. That probably means I'd have to make amends with Republicans. Indeed, that would be a challenge of immense magnitude. But then, I do believe in the impossible. That it's even possible to walk on water. Imagine, the most despised Republican. And being able to come to terms with him. Would that be equivalent to selling one's soul to the devil? Perhaps. But then, even the devil has some attributes. I try to believe that no one is totally bad. When I went to Sunday school, I remember being told that I was supposed to love my enemy. Yes, even my worst enemy. That always fascinated me. I've long thought about it. Of course, some Christians tell me I can even learn to love Hitler. It's his actions that I shouldn't love. But still, loving Hitler and Republicans has always seemed weird. --Jim Broede

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