Wednesday, March 17, 2010

They'll be tears of laughter.

I'm hearing reports that even Dennis Kucinich, the consummate liberal, may vote for the pending health care reform legislation. That would be amazing. Kucinich is a man of principle. He doesn't believe the legislation goes nearly far enough. He's holding out for a single-payer public option. For the liberal ideal. And his position has been all or nothing. Absolutely no compromise. But that may make him just about as extreme as lunatic fringe Republicans. No room for movement. And I begin to wonder if an obstructionist is an obstructionist, no matter whether he's on the right or the left. We Americans have become so polarized that maybe we're all obstructionists. We'd rather go down with the ship than save it. Funny, isn't it? I'd rather laugh than cry. When we hold the funeral for America, I'll shed tears. But they'll be tears of uproarious laughter. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

If America dies, I'll just have to console myself by recognizing that it's only a country. Not a dear loved one. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, life will go on. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

At least Germany, France, England and Italy will still be alive. And maybe it will still be possible to live in a dead America. That is, if one can stand the stench of the carcass. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Maybe a gentle breeze from Canada will clear away the stench. Fortunately, in Minnesota, I'm not that far from the Canadian border. --Jim