Monday, March 1, 2010

The magnificence of touch.

One thing care-givers have to learn. An Alzheimer patient will eventually lose the ability to stimulate himself/herself. That leaves it up to the care-givers. You gotta find ways. It's the decent thing to do. Stimulate 'em mentally and physically. Interact with them. One on one. Even a romp in a wheelchair, in the fresh air of the outdoors, can be a stimulant. Or music. Or a caress. A kiss. Soothing words. The tone of one's voice can make a tremendous difference. Being there on a daily basis. It has a positive effect. I've even reached a blind and deaf patient. With a touch. On the shoulder. Presence. Presence. Presence. Communicate a presence. The touch, tender and gentle, signifies that you are no longer alone. Someone is here. Someone that cares. --Jim Broede

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