Thursday, March 25, 2010

The making of mince meat.

It’s an interesting political gambit. Albeit, I think, a very dumb one. But then I never have touted Republicans as being anything other than idiots. Anyway, the GOP seems intent on opposing virtually everything favored by Barack Obama. They try to characterize him as a left wing socialist. Which he isn’t. I should know. Because I am a left wing idealogue. Takes one to know one. Obama is pretty moderate. Even willing to work with Republicans. Willing to compromise. Maybe even meet ‘em halfway. Republicans really don’t know how good they have it with Obama. But then, like I say, they are a stupid bunch. That’s why Obama was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in the battle over health care insurance reform. In a sense, he just let Republicans defeat themselves. With their constant nay-saying. Republicans painted themselves into corners. And became obstructionists. With no real alternative. Other than to leave things as they are. And everybody knows that the health care system needs fixing. Plenty of it. But Republicans have never done anything to fix it. Even when they were in control of congress and the presidency. They’d stick with the status quo forever and ever. They’d leave the private insurers run the show. And that means continued bilking of consumers. Little wonder that insurance companies happily contribute to Republican campaigns. They are allies. Lovers. In bed with each other. Anyway, it looks like Republicans will continue to hammer away at their losing strategy. Right on up to the November elections. Being opposed to Obama. On everything. But Obama is ready and able to cope with almost anything. Including idiots. That makes him well-qualified to take on the Republicans. But Obama into a roomful of Republicans. And let the debate begin. Obama will make mince meat. Of Republicans. –Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

The only reason this health care reform passed, was because the Democrats who rightly opposed it, were bought and paid for! Without those prostituted votes, it would not have flown.

Broede's Broodings said...

The reason reform passed was because it's the right thing to do. Good prevails. The votes against it were bought by the evil insurance companies. --Jim

Anonymous said...

It's your much-lambasted capitalistic maneuverers who got this through, and you know it. The least you can do, is stand behind your own cronies, who have no way of denying this sham.
The two-step process they used, cheated the American public of what they really wanted. What went through was what 219 Congressional Democrats wanted, not the majority of Americans. Maybe all Republicans did vote against this bill, BUT remember, not ALL Democrats voted FOR it, either.

Over $1.5 BILLION paid, for yes votes, and you can say it wasn't bought?? PROVEN-in print. What proof do you have, against the insurance companies??NONE! You are tossing lame statements around, with no credibility to them.
You can thank your cronies, for completely destroying any hope of partisanship, now.

Broede's Broodings said...

Wouldn't it be nice if Republicans could get brain transplants? If a bird's brain replaced the brain of a Republican, it would be a big improvement. A bird-brain is mucgh smarter than a Republican brain. --Jim

Anonymous said...

He who laughs last....laughs best. You'll see.