Friday, March 26, 2010

My pursuit of happiness.

I really don't get upset over the state of American politics. Because I have better things to do. I tell myself, just be entertained by it all. Like watching the inmates in an insane asylum. It's relatively safe. As long as I step back and distance myself from the mayhem. The characters. They're all crazy. It's just a matter of degrees. Outside of the asylum, life is relatively sane. I go about everyday living. I go for walks. Read books. Take in the wonders of nature. Have pleasant encounters with ordinary and mostly sane people. I even have my love connection. And then I occasionally take a peek at what's happening in Washington. In the asylum. And I tell myself how lucky I am. That I have a choice. That I can pretty much ignore the insanity. And get on with my pursuit of happiness. --Jim Broede

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