Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I see a rainbow holding up the sky

Seems to me we are living in an era of fear. We're fearful of government. Of big business. Of the world political situation. Terrorists. Our neighbors. The economy. Didn't use to be that way. I remember happy-go-lucky times. When we trusted each other. Anyway, maybe I'm the exception. I'm not living in fear. I'm rather enjoying myself. Maybe it's that I'm in love. Not only with life. But with someone. A significant other. Love makes all the difference in the world. Maybe we are fearful as a nation because we've fallen out of love. Yes, with our country. Maybe I have, too. But I'm compensated by my other loves. I'm focused on love. That means I'm generally an optimist. I see the bright side of life. Oh, sure, there's a dark side, too. But still, I let the sunshine in. And that makes the dark seem lighter. Not quite as dark. I figure that's the secret of happiness. To focus on what's going right in my life. And in the world. I'm happy, for instance, because it looks like health care reform legislation will pass very soon. I have a friend, of sorts, named Maebee, who tells me I'm crazy. That reform will be disastrous. As if what we have now isn't disastrous. But I like change. Doing things a bit differently. I'm not fearful. But Maebee -- well, she lives in fear. Sounds depressed. She thinks the sky is falling. But to me, the sky looks rather solid. And I see a rainbow. Yes, a beautiful rainbow holding up the sky. --Jim Broede

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