Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thank gawd.

Finally, we are getting health care insurance reform in the USA. Long overdue. It's coming. Ever so slowly. But it's coming. We are headed toward a single-payer system. Run by the government. Similar to Medicare. But it'll be for everyone. And the government will dictate the rules. The government will dictate the costs. Lower costs. The government will demand that health care be provided at the lowest possible cost. For the sake of the public good. The common good. Profiteering will be frowned upon. Some day, we'll look back to the year 2010 as a historic moment. When we Americans took a baby step in the right direction. Toward universal health care. Yes, in the industrialized world, we are johnny-come-latelys. But that's better than never. Oh, there'll be people who fight reform. To the bitter end. Just as people opposed the abolition of slavery. And opposed the granting of civil rights to all people. Yes, we Americans have often been slow to do the right things. But eventually we see the light. We aren't all Republicans. Thank gawd. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

If only you knew what you talk about. This is the same generalized junk that the supporters of this bill are spewing. WE Americans did not support this bill, as it is. WE DO support reform, a fact that supporters seem to hide, every time it is mentioned. AND it is NOT for everyone, as you keep claiming. There will still be 23 million Americans without insurance.

The ones that are getting stuck, BIG TIME, are those like my family. Hard-working middle-class families, who have worked for and earned their insurance, but will be forced out of it as premiums and deductibles double, or more in some cases.

What do you say about all the back-room deals cut, to buy the votes of those who were on the fence(so they say-I say they knew they would get an offer to swing their vote)? Did you know that, unless you live in Florida, Your "Medicare Advantage Plan" disappears?? Did you know that a special fund was set up for union workers, to pay for increased premiums??? Where is my help?? I don't live in FL, either. Ooops, there goes my Medicare Advantage.

I know, you will not change your opinion, even if given the correct facts, because you have been given facts, that you dismiss with jokes. All I can say is, wait and see. I will be the first one to say, "I TOLD YOU SO", and let you know who I am.

Broede's Broodings said...

By the way, dear anonymous, you sound like a doomsayer. Because you've been listening to Republicans. Use your brain for a change. You have one, don't you? --Jim

Anonymous said...

I guess not, if I came here. You have some serious hangups.

Anonymous said...

For 1 thing, I don't check to see if who I am reading or watching, or listening to is Republican, Democrat, or whatever. I check out the FACTS. I listen, then I dig around. I am not a parrot for people who simply want to "win" at any cost.

Broede's Broodings said...

No, you aren't a parrot. Instead, you are an ostreich. With your head stuck in the ground. Come on up and see the world. --Jim

Anonymous said...

If I came up, from underground, I would not be able to communicate with you.

Broede's Broodings said...

You aren't doing a very good job of communicating with anyone. --Jim