Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seeing is believing.

The foes of health care reform are losing. That's the important thing. And the more they fight the steady trek to a single-payer system and universal care, the faster we'll get it. Because they look like fools. Opposing the common good. And it gives proponents of reform beautiful openings to counter the arguments of the foes. Imagine trying to repeal the good coming from reform. The more people see of it, the more they'll support reform. The foes have used fear and misinformation and outright lies to confuse people and to turn some against reform. Some of their sound bites are idiotic. But hey, idiots have been known to be swayed by idiotic rhetoric. And to heck with the facts. But that'll all change in coming months. We'll all discover that there ain't any death panels. And that reform is good. Darn good. Yes, we'll see it in action. And seeing is believing. --Jim Broede

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