Friday, March 26, 2010

Think. Think. Think.

I think my responsibility is to give coherence to a crazy world. In other words, to find meaning to life. My life, at least. And I’ve done that. By concluding that I was put on Planet Earth to be a lover. A lover of life. And, it seems to me, a lover of two women during my so far 74-year journey. I’m not sure how long this wonderful blast will last. But I’m grateful that it’s happened. That I have lived. Even if this happens to be all there is. I’ve also become aware that I’m a romantic idealist, a free-thinker and a political and social liberal. If not in other people’s minds – well, then in my own mind. And that is what counts most. My own mind. Because it’s the only mind that I can control. Although, there may be some doubt about that. So, I’ve also come to the conclusion that it’s amazing that I have experienced a conscious life. Absolutely amazing. I am convinced that I am real. When I first became aware that I was a physical being, I wasn’t so amazed. I just accepted it. Without very much thought. Here I was. That’s all I knew. And that was the beginning of my exploration of what people tell me is a gawd-given life. Oh, I don’t know if I initially liked that notion. But I’ve come to accept it. Because that seems romantic. Better that than just being an accident of nature. Which it could still well be. Anyway, I’m still trying to figure out this gawd thing. Because gawd is a rather nebulous character. Ill-defined. A mystery. Someone we’re not supposed to fully understand because he’s portrayed as vastly superior to us human beings. But what if it turns out that we’re the superiors? That we’re all little gods. Billions of little gods. Creators in our own right. That’s a rather awesome thought, isn’t it? But I don’t rule it out. Some devout religious fanatics tell me that’s sacrilegious. But hey, I don’t think there’s such a thing. A thought is a thought. I have been granted complete freedom of thought. Nobody can take that away from me. And maybe that’s what it all boils down to. I have the ability to think. So I might as well do it. Think. Think. Think. –Jim Broede

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