Friday, March 26, 2010

It's mostly asinine stuff.

Good gawd. I can't get away from it. I keep seeing news reports about the cheating husband in the marriage of Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. I really don't care. It's their private business. Their marriage. Why is it all even reported? The same goes for the shenanigans of golfer Tiger Woods. Heck, marriages break up because of infidelities all the time. It's routine stuff, unfortunately. That's my point. So routine it makes me wonder why we have to keep reporting the status of the marriages of celebrities. They're just like everybody else. Prone to bad marriages. Maybe even moreso than the rest of us. I made my living in the news business. And I'm still puzzled over how we select what to report. Nine times out of 10, it's asinine stuff. --Jim Broede

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