Monday, March 8, 2010

Whew! I was outside, looking in.

I had a dream last night. Rather fantastic. Must have been set a thousand years in the future. Because I was going to work on the 1400th floor of a massive building. The base of the structure sprawled over hundreds of acres of land. There must have been hundreds of entrances. And I asked myself, how am I gonna get to work? Going up that high. How long would it take riding an elevator up and up and up? But then I sensed I was riding a zig-zag escalator stairs. That zipped me up and down at an extreme rapid rate. And this escalator was located in the middle of the building. In a huge atrium. And I sensed I was walking to work for the first time. Going to work for, of all things, an insurance company. And it was 5 o'clock in the afternoon. And as I approached I saw smoke spiraling out from lower levels of the building. And as I got closer, the smoke became thicker and thicker and continued to spread and flames started shooting out. And I thought, 'Oh my gawd, how are they gonna fight this fire? And how many people are in there?' I also thought, I'm thankful that I wasn't inside. That I was outside, looking in. --Jim Broede

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