Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Words give my life meaning.

I communicate mainly with the written word. I discovered early in life that was the easiest way to link myself with the world. With other people. Better than the spoken word. Maybe because I can do it alone. In a setting that spurs thought. A quiet and peaceful environment. And I can pick my audience. I can choose to write a letter. To a specific being. And when I send my words out, they can be read and re-read. A better chance to be understood. Albeit, misunderstanding is a natural thing. It happens all the time. But I think more with the spoken word than the written word. When I speak words, they often are elusive. They drift away. They lose meaning. They are forgotten. And difficult to retrieve. But when I write, I can store away my words. And return to a past time. Not that I particularly want to. But it's an option. I've built my life around words. With a language. Without words, my life would lack meaning. --Jim Broede

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