Friday, April 30, 2010

Could they be the Three Stooges?

Maybe this is a negative way to think. But I often imagine my anti-heroes. The people I most don't want to be like. It's almost as if I want to be their polar opposite. In a sense, they are the people I detest the most. Oh, maybe that's too strong a word. I really don't like to write off anyone. Figuring there's such a thing as redemption. But still, at this very moment, three names come to mind. Because I think they represent what's worst in this world. Rush Limbaugh. Glenn Beck. Sarah Palin. My three anti-heroes. But I pray that these really aren't serious people. They're just the newest version of the highly-entertaining Three Stooges. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

You are right down there, with them. Just because your views may be opposite, you are just like them.

Broede's Broodings said...

Here's the difference, dear anonymous. At least I know I'm a fool. The other stooges don't even know it. That makes them more stupid than me. I at least admit to being a fool. That gives me some semblance of intelligence. The others are complete idiots. I'm a half-wit. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Maybe not, but they know they are getting paid for it.

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, maybe getting paid to be stupid is a smart move, of sorts. Because stupidity reins. Stupid people are drawn to stupid ideas. We have dumbed down society. We celebrate stupidity. Our unconditional acceptance of capitalism is an example. It's not only grossly stupid, but also grossly immoral. We have corrupted our souls. Sold out. We are scumbags. --Jim