Friday, April 30, 2010

If this ain't racism, tell me what is.

When it comes to race issues, white Americans want to be let off the hook far too easily. They wanna say that racism was in the past. That it's no more. But that's baloney. Racism still permeates American society. Underneath. Oh, it's less obvious. Less out in the open. We've never really become truly integrated. Black and white. Other ethnic groups have integrated. Italians. French. Germans. English. Swedes. Because they are all essentially white. But many whites are still leery of mixing with blacks. And to some extent, blacks may be cautious about trusting whites. And I can't blame the blacks. We whites have given them the shaft throughout the history of recent centuries. We claim that the blacks were freed after the Civil War. More bullshit. Blacks are still subjugated to some extent today. Heck, I know beyond a doubt that I wouldn't be as privileged as I am today if I were black. I'd be quite a different person. Because throughout my lifetime I would have been disadvantaged. Socially. Politically. Economically. And that would have had a long-term, lifelong effect on me. Yes, to this very day. But many of us honkies don't believe it. We're unable or unwilling to put ourselves in the shoes of a black person. Maybe because it would scare the hell out of us. Instead, we sit in our little lily white neighborhoods and proclaim black people can achieve any and everything. No problem. But there is a problem. And it's called unrecognized racism. In a sense, black people are still in shackles. They are at a disadvantage. Merely because they are black. And if that ain't racism -- well, then tell me what is. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

This stuff you list ain't good enough for me. Too much tokenism. I want racism eradicated. Period. We can work at it a lot harder. We whites can do much better. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Oh well, you know what they say...wish in one hand.....

Racism of one sort or another will always exist. If I am made aware of a circumstance, or see racism, I will do what I can, same as if I saw anyone harmed in any way. That's all I can do. I don't "colorize" like you do.

I truly don't think anything would be good enough for you, then you would have nothing to bitch about.

Broede's Broodings said...

More of us should bitch about racism. It has corrupted American society. It's shameful. A disgrace. Sure, some white folks would like to make light of it. Easy for them to do. Because they don't have to live the black experience. They've always been privileged. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I don't deny that racism exists all over the world. In one form or another. But that doesn't justify racism in America. It's just another way for Americans to get off the hook. By proclaiming we aren't the only racists in the world. We're hypocritical. We lecture China on human rights. Yet we've been among the chief violators of human rights. Ever since our founding. --Jim