Saturday, April 24, 2010

Give me a break.

This matter called sensitivity. It intrigues me. I think I'm sensitive. Quite sensitive. But others accuse me of being insensitive. Maybe it's because I draw lines. I see all kinds of insensitivity around me. Perpetrated in so many, many ways. The fact that we Americans seem insensitive to the common good. We just care about our individual selves and maybe a few loved ones around us. And we ignore the common good. We don't think on a societal level. We're awfully parochial. Just think. Our nation was born in a cradle of arrogance. We proclaimed that all men were created equal. But we had a slave economy. We classified black people as only three-fifths of a human being. Maybe equal to a chimpanzee or ape. We denied women basic civil and human rights until well into the 20th century. Yes, we've been a gawd-awful, insensitive society. And then we have the audacity to brag that we're the greatest nation on Earth. Give me a break. I don't buy it. I suppose that makes me insensitive. --Jim Broede


knightstone said...

"Americans" did not create the slave trade. Europe sent over their own countrymen as indentured, to the British colonies. African slavery was practiced in other parts of the world, for hundreds of years prior to the first African slaves brought to the Americas. If America hadn't claimed independence from Europe, we would never have evolved away from slavery.

Too bad you can't give credit for how much we have progressed. You glass seems to be half-empty.

Broede's Broodings said...

Good Lord, Knightstone. The next thing you'll be telling me is that we Americans aren't responsible for crime because we didn't invent it. Yes, we didn't invent slavery either. But we adopted it. Quite willingly. Our founders weren't saints. They thought it was all right to start building America on a slave economy. We've practiced apartheid throughout our history. We've gotten better in some ways. But we still have a long way to go. Capitalism is morally corrupt. We got rid of slavery. But we are still hanging on to capitalism. Greed still prevails. Yes, an ever-widening gap between the rich and poor. I want a full glass. Not a half empty glass or even a half full glass. In fact, I want a big cup that runneth over. That ain't asking too much. is it? --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

We Americans are slow to solve problems because we can't get around to admitting that we have problems. We bury our heads in the sand. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

We don't want to talk about certain subjects because they are upsetting. Therefore, we skirt around the truth. We don't face up to reality. I find that especially goes for Alzheimer care-givers. Many of 'em don't know what they are doing. And they resent being told that. They just want to be coddled. In a sense, they want to be treated like a patient. So we create two patients. Rather than a patient and a care-giver. Two sick people. Often, the care-giver needs as much care as the patient. And the question should be, how do we get around this? --Jim