Friday, April 9, 2010

I'd be ashamed of myself.

I really treat most people better in person than in print. Take Republicans, for instance. I have no trouble calling a Republican a scumbag. In print, that is. If I'm face to face with him, I'd be more polite. More accepting. That's because in print I'm attacking his ideas. His perceptions. His inteligence. Rather than his person. But I know that when I'm with a Republican, I'm to treat him courteously. That's the right thing to do. After all, the Republican knows no better. Ignorance is no reason to treat him badly. And if I'm writing to an individual Republican, one I know by name, I tend to be kind. But if the Republican chooses to remain anonymous -- well, then I fire with both barrels. No reason not to. Because I don't know the guy from Adam. Other than that he professes to be a Republican. Heck, I understand. I wouldn't use my real name if I thought like a Republican. I'd be ashamed of myself. --Jim Broede

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