Friday, April 9, 2010

Let's wage peace. Not war.

Seems to me that Barack Obama's Waterloo may be Afghanistan. It's a war that can't be won. And it's been going on for 9 years. The longest war in American history. And it aint gonna end well. We Americans are fighting to keep a corrupt Karzai government in power. I'd abandon that war in the blink of an eye. Bring the troops home. Enough already. The damn war doesn't make one bit of sense. We are being told that it's being fought to keep the Taliban from ruling the country. So, is the Taliban any worse than Karzai? We're also told that we don't want Afghanistan to become the training ground again for El Qaeda. Give me a break. El Qaeda can train virtually anywhere in the world. Good gawd. We've wasted trillions of dollars and thousands of human lives on needless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The money would have been more wisely spent on domestic programs. Making America a better country. Let's wage peace. Not war. My mood swings from day to day. But right now, I'm feeling the shame of being an American. --Jim Broede

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