Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It ain't fair.

I think American-style health care is a rip-off. The consumer is getting soaked. Paying way more than the actual cost. For instance, I was charged $50 by my clinic for an armband I used to treat my tender elbow. But I found the same band in the local drug store for $8. I assume that the retailer paid only a fraction of $8 for the armband. So did the clinic. But the clinic added an exorbitant profit to the price. I've also read credible reports that certain pills cost the pharmaceutical company only a few pennies to manufacture. Meanwhile, I'm charged several dollars for the pill. Doesn't seem fair. But that's the system. The way the game is played. The health care providers walk away with billions of dollars in profits every year. They pay their executives salaries in the seven figures. Yes, in a capitalist society, the people running the show know how to milk the system for all it's worth. While us poor devils barely make a living. Again, I say it ain't fair. I complain. I write about it. But that won't change the system. Because I'm not in charge. In fact, the vast majority of us aren't in charge. Otherwise, we'd change things. --Jim Broede


Maebee said...

Just think, Jim..when this health care gets going, the government will be the one telling us which medications we can and can't buy, and how much we have to pay for them. No questions..no competition..no deals..no bargain.

Broede's Broodings said...

It'll be better if we can get to no-profit or low-profit health care, Maebee. Let's work for the common good. Not for the good of the obscene and unholy profiteers. It's a matter of attitude. If we let capitalists run rampant, they'll screw us. Yes, I'm for regulation. For government controls. Some of the profiteers are criminals. --Jim