Monday, April 12, 2010

It all gets a bit confusing.

Maybe I exist only because I am conscious. But then again, maybe I exist even if I'm unconscious. Unaware of my existence. I could have been alive forever. Just like god. But I wasn't aware of it. Because I was unconscious. Unable to think. Maybe I'm always in a state of being born. To a new level of consciousness. Maybe I've been living for a long time with the level of consciousness in my kitty friend, Loverboy. He reasons to a degree. But in what appears to me a severely limited way. More of an instinctive way. More robotic than me. But then, a more intelligent form of life may consider me to be a robot. Just going through motions. But deceiving myself into thinking that I'm an independent thinker. It all gets a bit confusing. --Jim Broede

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