Thursday, April 15, 2010

Living almost like a god.

I'm hearing talk that we may put a man on Mars by the year 2035. The same year that I'll turn 100. That gives me more incentive to live to such a ripe age. I want to be around to see this epic-making bit of history. I was around when we put a man on the moon. I'd like to volunteer to go to Mars. Because at age 100, I really won't mind that much if I don't come back. I'd just as soon spend the rest of my life on Mars. I'd find it fascinating. To be the planet's first permanent resident. But then again, I often speculate that the planets in our solar system as well as planets in other galaxies are inhabited by spirits. Yes, the spirits of people who used to live on Earth. In their spirit forms, they are able to roam freely in the entire cosmos. They don't even need an atmosphere in which to thrive. Because a spirit has no physical being. It's an ideal way to explore the vast reaches of creation. Imagine that. Living almost like a god. Able to reach far beyond the planet Earth. --Jim Broede

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