Friday, April 23, 2010

A notion that I can't dispute.

The traditional far right wing of the Republican Party has been replaced. By an even farther right wing. Known as the lunatic fringe. Which makes the old right wing look like liberals. Maybe even socialists. That's how far the Republicans have shifted to the right. Virtually out of sight from the sane world. The lunatics are more or less opposed to government. Period. Makes me think they have moved so far to the right that they now border on the far, far, far left. They have become Anarchists. It's a sign of insanity. Little wonder that it's called the lunatic fringe. But in America, we don't commit lunatics to insane asylums any more. We try to keep them community based. Thinking this is a more compassionate form of treatment. But the irony of it all is that the lunatic Republicans want to turn America into a lunatic asylum. And yes, put the lunatics in charge. Of course, that's a preposterous idea. Utterly insane. But the lunatics counter that in a democracy, the majority should rule. And that the lunatics are a solid majority. A notion that I can't dispute. --Jim Broede

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