Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The opportunity to live forever.

I think animals have souls. That a soul is something basic. In all living things. I have no indisputable proof that a soul exists. But I sense it. A soul is something like love. I know that love exists. Because I feel it. Just as I feel that I have a soul. And so do animals. I'm assuming, too, that a soul has a sort of permanence. A soul doesn't die. Unless it be voluntarily. Sort of a suicide of a soul. Some souls may just get tired of being a soul, and being reincarnated into a physical life. Therefore, a soul can choose to be dormant. Virtually dead. In order to get rest. If souls exist in animals, that means we never really totally and completely kill an animal. Even when we use the animal's flesh for food. The animal's soul may even end up some day in a human being, or in still higher forms of life. Maybe on another planet in another solar system or in a totally new dimension. I like the notion of a soul. Because it gives me the opportunity to live forever. --Jim Broede

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