Sunday, April 18, 2010

We are incapable of learning.

I can hardly wait to see our politicians deal with the matter of financial regulation/reform. So that the crap on Wall Street doesn't happen again. Actually, I expect them to botch the job. The majority Democrats will submit a plan. Actual legislation. And the Republicans will stand united. Opposed to everything. Even to the point of filibustering the reform. And the bankers and brokers will continue to go unregulated. And we'll end up with another botched economy. Only next time, it'll be worse. Because we are incapable of learning our lesson. -Jim Broede


Maebee said...

Haven't you noticed...the government is quietly gaining ownership -at least partial-of the banks. won't be long and the government will probably own them outright.

I believe the Government should oversee the financial institutions, as far as if they negatively affect the economy or citizenry, but I think taking over is too much. It is what they were supposed to be doing all along.

Broede's Broodings said...

Sounds to me like you are paranoid, Maebee. You think of government as the enemy. I think of government as a potential friend. My protector against the big, bad capitalist swine. And that includes bankers. --Jim