Friday, April 2, 2010

A drift in the right direction.

The way I see it, health care reform is merely a beginning. A step toward much-needed change. Some day, it will lead to universal health care. And more affordable health care. The reform will have to be fine-tuned. Again and again. One just doesn’t adopt the ideal plan and put it in place overnight. But now there’s no going back. The Republicans’ idea of repeal and replace – well, that’s pure poppycock. It won’t happen, thank heavens. Because the tide has turned. The momentum is in favor of change. Some Republicans will cling to their 18th century ways. But most of us are well aware that we’re living in the 21st century. In modern times. And we have to adapt. The old ways don’t work any more. For too long, we’ve revered the 18th century thinkers. The founders of our nation. But there’s a lot they didn’t know. They fashioned a way of life that has become archaic. Out-of-date. We’ve made corrections along the way. Eliminated slavery. Given blacks and women equal rights. But we still have a long way to go. Change must be continuous. In order to make life better. Not for just a few. But for everyone. Count me as an optimist. Things will get better. We’ll have universal health care. And more. More fiscal regulations. A controlled economy. New energy legislation. Climate control. A narrowing of the gap between the rich and poor. Yes, a drift in the right direction. To serve the common good. –Jim Broede

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